This blog is to help us ponder truth as we share our insights and inspirements throughout the week.
Each week will start with a question. You are asked to ponder it, discuss it with your family, and seek evidence for the answer in any of your studies that week. Post your inspirements too!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Sacrament and ReMEMBER

I had a huge epiphany during Family Home Evening! We were learning about the sacrament, and this is what I got:

RE means to do it over again, right? Well, when we get baptized, we become a member of the church.

Well, what if REMEMBERing Christ on Sunday as we take the sacrament is becoming a member again?

That's why the main part of the Sacrament is remembering Christ, remembering what He did, and remembering what we did wrong, and what we need to repent for.

That's what the sacrament is all about, right?

Here is the video we watched for FHE that made me think all of this!!!

Tell me your thoughts, please!!!

Gracious :)


  1. That is sooo cool! I never thought of "remembering" as re-membering! I really like the idea of picturing that I am committing myself to re-becoming a member of Christ's church in my commitment and dedication. What a cool ah-ha!

  2. Okay, now that was cool. Remember we are members of the true church and we are His children. "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God." Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. I love the Re(MEMBER) Part! Thanks for sharing Gracious!
