This blog is to help us ponder truth as we share our insights and inspirements throughout the week.
Each week will start with a question. You are asked to ponder it, discuss it with your family, and seek evidence for the answer in any of your studies that week. Post your inspirements too!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

 77 O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it, that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them; that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.

 79 O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.

Taking the Sacrament is a very important thing to do every week! We take it every Sunday, the prayers make the Bread and water sacred and we must always be willing to take it! I love taking the Sacrament! I always feel so clean after I take it!

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