This blog is to help us ponder truth as we share our insights and inspirements throughout the week.
Each week will start with a question. You are asked to ponder it, discuss it with your family, and seek evidence for the answer in any of your studies that week. Post your inspirements too!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Temptation is the Fence-- A-Ha Moment from Armor of God Reading

I once heard a story that went something like this:
   Way back when during the war in heaven, there was God's side, and Satan's side. To split those sides up a fence was put up in between the two sides. Most people knew where they wanted to go; they knew who their leader was and who they were willing to fight with. But there was a select few who didn't know who to follow, or really just didn't care. So they sat on the fence. There were some who would get off, and choose a side for a time, or some who would always just sit on the fence. 
   There was one particular man that always sat on the fence. Day after day after day he just sat there and watched. Both sides knew he was there, but God knew it was his choice where he would go, so He knew he couldn't take him off the fence.
   Satan had another plan in mind. One day, he walked up to the man and said, 'What are you doing on the fence?' the man said, 'I cannot decide which side I am on. So I have decided to sit on the fence.'
   All Satan said after that was, 'I own the Fence.'

When I heard this story, it really hit me hard. You really can't just sit in the middle of good and bad. You are always moving forward or backward. There is no in between in this life. If you aren't striving to move forward, you are always bound to stray backward.

As I was thinking about this last night while trying to fall asleep, I started thinking about Temptation. God does not and never will tempt us. Satan on the other hand, that is his only mission. Is to tempt, and rid us of all that is good and holy. I think temptation is one of his main battle tactics. 
Then I started thinking about how the fence is like temptation. Satan owns the fence, as well as temptation. He will not stop fighting us against what is right. He will try to steal us with temptation, just as he does with the fence. If we sit on the fence, we are left vulnerable and he is able to catch us much easier. 

I hope this made some sense. :) I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments! 


  1. Interesting thoughts!! So Satan is all about temptation while God is all about inspiration. :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. That is interesting, I guess you are also saying that there is no such thing as a fence right? You are either with the Lord or with Satan - you are never on "neutral" ground. That is an interesting thought - I feel like I am on neutral ground sometimes - like when I'm just doing something mundane - but I can be working on mundane things with love in my heart or with bitterness - and that determines which side I am on. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. That is interesting... I guess in an way, I am saying that. But, I know I feel like I'm sitting on the fence at times too... Maybe there is a fence, it's just a good one; or maybe it isn't a good one or a bad one... Now I want to discuss this sometime! :) We also talk about how we are always moving forward or backward, there is not in between, maybe that's what the fence is... I don't know! Sis. Bates, you're like, blowing my mind! :D

    2. Thus is Sis Bates, but i'm too lazy to log out if William's account on my phone...
      So, here is another thought about it that I read in my scriptures this morning on James chapter 1:
      2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

      3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

      4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

      So being tempted is a good thing ? Because it helps us work on our patience... so I guess that we are always being enticed by one or the other and are constantly making a choice... even not choosing is a choice... and each choice puts us one one side or the other - never in the middle. What do u think?
